The lay pastoral ministers of our diocese gathered at St. Jarlath’s parish in Yarragon for a day filled with formation, networking, and shared insights. This day, organised by the Diocesan Pastoral Life and Mission Team commenced with a prayer on the theme "Here I Raise My Ebenezer”. The prayer was led by Emily D’Silva, pastoral associate from Our Lady Help of Christians, Narre Warren parish.

Ms. Arda Tymenson guided the group through an exploration of the art and significance of "listening". Beginning the session with the game of Chinese whispers, revealed some profound implications in active listening to all participants. Providing practical tips and training on active listening, Ms. Tymenson empowered the attendees to enhance their listening skills.

Bishop Greg Bennet celebrated Mass and later joined the participants for lunch, fostering a warm and inclusive atmosphere.

In the afternoon, attendees received updates on forthcoming diocesan events and had the opportunity to seek clarification through interactive discussions. Joan Robertson led a session on bereavement teams before participants shared ideas from their respective parishes. On behalf of the participants, we would like to extend our thanks to the wonderful parishioners of St Jarlath’s for their generosity and hospitality.