Dear Fathers, Deacons, Pastoral Staff

Warmest greetings.

We are very grateful for all you continue to do in care of your parishioners and those who seek the pastoral support of your communities. It has been a challenging time for everyone and it continues to be so. The recent introduction of Covid Steps and differences between Metropolitan and Regions have posed further ambiguity in interpretation and pastoral praxis. Of course, we have all wanted to ensure adherence to the Covid Steps and consistency across parishes.

We have sought further advice on the phrase “outdoor religious gatherings” as there has been confusion as to whether the celebration of Mass and other sacraments is allowed outside. We have been informed that outside Masses are permitted when celebrated adjacent to the Church as long as all Covid directives are followed concerning spacing, hygiene and personal contact. We are grateful to the Archdiocese of Melbourne for this clarification.

Please find attached the following directives which outline the Steps and how they are to be understood within the parishes of the Diocese of Sale. You will be mindful of how best to implement these Steps if possible at your local parish; However, if you are unable to satisfy the directives, then you would be advised not to be put your parishioners at risk or facing penalties. The pastoral determination of those who attend should be balanced with the care of those who would desire to join you, but are unable to do so.

We look forward to the time when we can be united in prayer and worship at the Table of the Lord.

Yours in Christ

STEP THREE – Regional Victoria

All Victorians over the age of 12 must wear a face covering whenever they leave their home, unless a medical exemption applies.

As of 11.59pm Wednesday 16 September, 2020 until otherwise directed:

•         PLACES of WORSHIP: Places of worship can open for private worship for  households and people who are in a bubble together (up to five people).  

•          OUTDOOR RELIGIOUS GATHERINGS: of up to 10 people, plus 1(one)  faith leader, proximate to a place of worship, are allowed. Signage, directions and
           sanitising stations must be clearly available. Contact Records must be kept.

•         WEDDINGS:  will be limited to 10 people, including the couple and the two  witnesses. The celebrant and children under 12 months of age are not included in
           this number.

•         FUNERALS: will be limited to 20 mourners plus the minimum number required  to conduct the funeral. Children who are under one year of age are not counted in
           the 20 person limit. You can travel to attend a funeral.

•         BAPTISMS: may be celebrated under the outdoor gathering limits, or  worship for households or ‘social bubble’ direction. Note specific hygiene around
           use of oils and water. This allows for eleven people including the celebrant outdoors and five people including the celebrant indoors (a child under 12 months not
           included), meeting all hygiene and distancing precautions and recording names and contact details of all present.

•         LIVESTREAMING: a limit 5 in total may be present, including the celebrant.

•          VISITATIONS:

           Homes: Faith leaders may visit someone in their home on request to share spiritual ministry (or equivalent religious services) to provide care and support to a person
           who is at the end of their life. It is critical measures like face coverings and physical distancing are observed, and that the travel to the person’s home and the visit are
           limited to what is reasonably required and necessary (e.g. only required attendees  should visit and just for the service).

           Hospitals or Care Facilities:

           Faith leaders may visit someone in a hospital or care facility to share spiritual  ministry (or equivalent religious services) to those who are at the end of their life,
           or if it would support a patient or resident with their emotional or mental wellbeing,  in line with other visiting restrictions and if this support cannot be provided
           remotely.  It is important to note that strict limits on visitors apply in these  circumstances. It is critical measures like face coverings and physical distancing are
           observed and these visits are limited to what is reasonably and necessary (e.g. a visit  has been requested by a patient). Such services can also be provided using video or
           live streaming, depending on religious tradition.

•          If you can work from home, you should continue to do so.

All requirements around hygiene and distancing must be met, along with the collection of contact details.

STEP TWO – Casey and Cardinia – Western Region

All Victorians over the age of 12 must wear a face covering whenever they leave their home, unless a medical exemption applies.  As of 11.59pm Sunday 27 September 2020 and until otherwise directed:

•         All places of worship including churches, adoration chapels and other church   buildings used for public prayer and religious services are to remain closed except for permitted ceremonies.

•          RELIGIOUS GATHERINGS: permitted with a limit of five people, plus one faith  leader. Must be adjacent to the place of worship with only one group permitted at a
           time. You can only travel up to 5km from your home to attend a gathering and only  for 2  hours. Signage, directions and sanitising stations must be clearly available.
           Contact Records must be kept.

•         WEDDINGS: permitted in outdoor public spaces with a maximum of 5 attendees, including the couple and two witnesses, but not including the celebrant.  Children
           under 12 months are also exempted from the number. Weddings do not need to  occur proximate to a place of worship.

•         FUNERALS:  will be limited to 10 mourners (infants under 12 months of age not included in this number). A separate grouping of mourners may not come in
           to remove the coffin from the church. You can travel to a funeral outside of metropolitan Melbourne. Restrictions apply based on the location of the funeral, and
           limits to numbers also apply.

•         BAPTISMS: may be celebrated under the outdoor gathering limits. Note specific   hygiene around use of oils and water (refer further in these Guidelines). This allows
            for 5 people including the faith leader outdoors (a child under 12 months not  included), meeting all hygiene and distancing precautions and recording names and
           contact details of all present.

•         LIVESTREAMING: a limit of 5 in total may be present, including the celebrant.

•         VISITATIONS:
           Homes: Under Stage 4 restrictions, faith leaders may visit someone in their home  on request to share spiritual ministry (or equivalent religious services) to provide
           care and support to a person who is at the end of their life. It is critical measures like face coverings and physical distancing are observed, and that the travel to the
           person’s home and the visit are limited to what is reasonably required and necessary (e.g. only required attendees should visit and just for the service).

           Hospitals or Care Facilities:

           Under Stage 4 restrictions, faith leaders may visit someone in a hospital or care  facility to share spiritual ministry (or equivalent religious services) to those who are
           at the end of their life, or if it would support a patient or resident with their  emotional or mental wellbeing, in line with other visiting restrictions and if this  support cannot be provided remotely.  It is important to note that strict limits on  visitors apply in these circumstances. It is critical measures like face coverings and physical distancing are observed and these visits are limited to what is reasonably required and necessary (e.g. a visit has been requested by a patient). Such services can also be provided using video or live streaming, depending on religious tradition.

•          If you can work from home, you must do so.

All requirements around hygiene and distancing must be met, along with the collection of contact details.


These Liturgical Guidelines are intended to assist Clergy and faithful in the reverent and joyful celebration of Mass while maintaining the health and safety precautions offered through health and government authorities. It is by carefully observing the directives and precautions outlined in this document that the celebration of Mass, even with the limitations of restrictions now in place can take place prudently. We look forward to gathering together with all our people to safely celebrate the Eucharistic, but in the meantime we will follow these guidelines with diligence, using common sense and respect for others.

If there are difficulties maintaining any of the following directives, then Masses should be suspended.


Outdoor Masses, Funerals, Weddings, Baptisms, and Live-Streaming.

  • For Clergy: Masks should be worn as you enter for Mass. They may be removed during the celebration of Mass, but are to be placed back on for the distribution of Holy Communion and at the conclusion of Mass as you process out.
  • All present in the worship space –including musicians, technicians for live streaming, and cleaners, MUST wear masks at all times as per the DHHS Guidelines.
  • Sanitiser must be used regularly throughout the Liturgy and celebrants must visibly sanitise before and after the distribution of Holy Communion.
  • Masks must be available. If anyone does not have one, or there is not one available, they cannot participate or enter the church.
  • All hygiene and distancing regulations must continue to be met as per the general guidelines below


  • The reader may lower his/her mask for the readings. This applies as well for the Universal Prayer.
  • This same direction is extended for a cantor (or singers where further number permit): when the cantor is singing, the mask may be lowered. It must be worn at all other times.


  • The hosts to be consecrated for the faithful should be placed on a separate Paten (or Ciborium) to the Paten holding the host that the priest will consume. 

The following information is designed to allow for the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass in a safe manner for both ministers and communicants. All liturgical norms that govern the ordinary distribution of Holy Communion are observed in these norms, preserving the integrity of the celebration and distribution of the Eucharist. 

  • All worshippers are to wear a face covering or mask throughout the celebration of Mass and the other Sacraments.
  • Instructions on receiving Holy Communion should be given to communicants at the time of the Fraction Rite.
  • The following is recommended:

The Priest or (minister):

  • Sanitises hands before beginning distribution
  • Wears a mask throughout distribution
  • Each communicant comes forward to a place approximately 1.5 metres away
  • Exchanges the dialogue, while both wearing their masks
  • Places the host slightly above the outstretched and flat hands of the communicant
  • Waits until the communicant has moved away before calling forth the next person
  • Sanities hands after completing distribution 

The Communicant:

  • Required distancing between communicants is maintained in the queue.
  • Wears a mask.
  • Sanitises hands at a dispensing station before coming to receive Communion.
  • Engages in the dialogue and receives the host in the hand, while wearing the mask.
  • Steps several metres to the side, and away from the priest.
  • Removes one side of the mask to place the Host in their mouth with the other hand.
  • Re-positions the mask.
  • Returns to their seat via a different pathway. 

PLEASE NOTE: It is advised that when live-streaming, reception of Holy Communion is done off-screen/video. 

Adapted with permission from Archbishop’s Office, Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne.