Introducing the Prayer Shawl Group of St Joseph's Parish Wonthaggi: A compassionate community knitting comfort and support. Through handmade shawls and rugs, they embrace those facing challenges, offering solace in times of grief, illness, and loneliness. Read about their mission as love and empathy are woven into every stitch.


Our Prayer Shawl Group was started in late 2017 when a new parishioner came along to the newly formed Meditation Group wrapped in a lovely shawl in which to meditate. It had been given to her by the pastoral associate in her previous Parish of St Simon’s, Rowville, as a source of comfort after the death of her father. After sharing her story, it was decided that we should start a group of our own.


Prayer Shawl Groups exist in a number of parishes throughout Melbourne and across the country, having started some time ago in the United States. The group knits or crochets shawls and/or rugs - simple patterns available.  The shawls/rugs are freely given to those, young or old, who may be struggling with life in any way …those facing health issues, grieving, lonely, caring for others ….. there are many local needs but some items even end up interstate or overseas.

Our group meets once a month during the day at the local church for a friendly catch up over a cuppa. We commence our meeting with a prayer. Another group meets in the evening at a parishioner’s home, which caters for those who work and cannot make the daytime gathering. When there are sufficient supplies, the rugs and shawls are displayed near the altar and blessed with a special prayer at the end of Mass. They are then wrapped in clear cellophane and bright ribbons with the inclusion of the all-important prayer card of love and support.

There is no charge. Donations of wool (preferably 8ply acrylic) are gratefully accepted. The group is constantly encouraged by the wonderful stories we hear of those who have been given a shawl or rug and the many cards of thanks and appreciation we receive.


If you would like to start up a group, please feel free to contact one of the following ladies:

                            Philippa Warby: 0408 331 340 

                            Maureen Maartensz: 0407 055 447